Azure Media Services v3 with Event Grid
Walk through using the new Azure Media Services v3 API to create a workflow
Ok, so I need to create Azure Media Services account and a Service Principal to use for auth.
az group create –name AMS –location centralus
az storage account create --name mjsdemostrams \
--kind StorageV2 \
--sku Standard_RAGRS \
--resource-group AMS
az ams account create –name mjsdemoams –resource-group AMS –storage-account mjsdemostrams
az ams account sp create –account-name mjsdemoams –resource-group AMS
"AadClientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000",
"AadEndpoint": "",
"AadSecret": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000",
"AadTenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000",
"AccountName": "mjsdemoams",
"ArmAadAudience": "",
"ArmEndpoint": "",
"Region": "Central US",
"ResourceGroup": "AMS",
"SubscriptionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000"
Azure Function to process Encoding Job
I created a new repo that has a Function with Event Grid trigger from a blob that queues up a Media Services Encoding job.
Event Grid for Blob
Now I need an Event Grid subscription to to trigger an Azure Functions to kick of the encoding.
Storage Account Function
az storage account create --name mjsdemoamsfuncstr \
--sku Standard_LRS \
--resource-group AMS
Create a Function App
az functionapp create --resource-group AMS --consumption-plan-location centralus \
--name mjsdemoamsfunc --storage-account mjsdemoamsfuncstr
Create a EventGrid Subscription
storageid=$(az storage account show --name mjsdemocdnstr --resource-group CDN --query id --output tsv)
az eventgrid event-subscription create \
--resource-id $storageid \
--name mjsdemoeventBlob2Func \
--endpoint $endpoint
Create a MSI for Azure Functions
az webapp identity assign –name mjsdemoamsfunc –resource-group AMS
{ "principalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000", "tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000", "type": "SystemAssigned" }
Add MSI to as Media Services Contributor
az role assignment create –assignee 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000 –role Contributor –scope /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000/resourceGroups/AMS/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/mjsdemoams
Uploading files via CDN
Ok, so now I have the workflow linked up, time to upload some files. I figured I wanted a single Azure Media Service account but want my users to be able to upload their files quickly. Azure CDN can help here, I can create a CDN endpoint in each of the main regions which proxies back to a storage account back to the same region as AMS, this way I can save on region to region bandwidth but also give a good experience to my users.
curl -X PUT -T ./iOS.mp4 -H "x-ms-date: $(date -u)" -H "x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob" "" -w "%{response_code};%{time_total}" > dataFile.txt 2> informationFile.txt
*24.639 seconds
curl -X PUT -T ./iOS.mp4 -H "x-ms-date: $(date -u)" -H "x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob" "" -w "%{response_code};%{time_total}" > dataFile.txt 2> informationFile.txt
*18.746 seconds
So about a 30% improvement, I am sitting in New Zealand the storage account in the first command is in ‘US Central’ and the CDN endpoint in the second command is in ‘Australia East’