Automating secure payments with Amazon Connect and Stripe

Written on August 7, 2019


We are using Stripe API Direct method, which still requires the solution to be SAQ D under PCI, see here for more details, but note this solution is a proof of concept and not a production ready deployment.

Analog meets digital

I was given the opportunity to work on Amazon Connect, which is a cloud based contact centre. The requirements was around integrating with a payment provider to be able to take secure payments over the phone.

My solution extends the great work already posted on the AWS Blog around creating a secure IVR.

So I am going to focus on the Stripe integration using Lambda. So I grabbed the API Keys from my Stripe account and added an additional function to the code from the blog post which takes the decrypted card number, creates a token using the Stripe API and then creates a payment using this token. So we are not storing the number in our solution.

The payment.js file looks like this

const stripe = require("stripe")("Get your Stripe Token from SSM as well");

const Payment = {
    async createToken(card, exp_month, exp_year, cvc) {
        const token = await stripe.tokens.create({
            card: {
                number: card,
                exp_month: exp_month,
                exp_year: exp_year,
                cvc: cvc
        return token;
    async createCharge(tokenId, amount, phoneNumber) {
        const charge = await stripe.charges.create({
            amount: parseInt(amount, 10),
            currency: "nzd",
            source: tokenId,
            description: "Charge from Amazon Connect, Phone Number: " + phoneNumber
        return charge;

This was a great way to get a proof of concept up and running, we are now looking at using AWS Certificate Manager to store the certificates so we can automate the rotation.

Written on August 7, 2019